Tuesday 11 November 2014

A true Story that Happened in EGYPT ..MUST READ

A True story that happened in Egypt

A young girl in her 20s was born in a Muslim family but was far away from deen and missed a lot of prayers and didn't wear hijab. She was from a good family and everything was working out for her. One day, she fell sick. On visiting the hospital, the doctor ran some tests and informed her that she had terminal cancer (may Allāh protect all of us) and had two months to live. She said, “Since I am going to die, what can I do?” She started praying and fasting and giving charity. She started wearing the hijab and praying more. SubḥānAllāh one, two, and three months passed and she started feeling better. She went to the same doctor. He ran the same tests and said, “Are you the same person? There is no trace of cancer whatsoever! Where did you go? What did you do? Who treated you?” She said, “When I started being obedient to Allāh, I started praying in the beginning and would put my hand on the cancer and make du'ā' to Allāh sincerely to cure me. I started fasting and would break my fast and ask Allāh to cure me. I started giving charity and wearing hijab. Then I tasted the sweetness of obedience and the pleasure of having khush'oo in ṣalāh. I changed my du'ā' and started then making du'ā' to Allāh to cure me so I can worship Him more and not so that I can go back to the mall. I was sorry I lived 20 years and didn't know what I was missing. I asked Allāh to allow me to live so I can live in this Jannah of this life.”

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