Wednesday 26 November 2014

Extremely outstanding video ....

Friday 14 November 2014

Best Day On Which The Sun Rises Is .....

The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said
“The best day on which the sun has risen is Friday. Adam was created on Friday and on it he entered Paradise and on it he was expelled from therein. The Hour will not be established except on Friday.” 
[Saheeh Muslim]

I PRAY ......

“Babies are such a nice way to start people.”

Tuesday 11 November 2014


Never Complain About the things Your parents Could not give you.

Never Complain About the things Your parents Could not give you ....
It Was Probably All They Had .

This is so sad.

This is so sad.
 Two brothers preparing milk for their infant brother in one of the streets of Damascus #Syria. May Allah forgive us. 

A true Story that Happened in EGYPT ..MUST READ

A True story that happened in Egypt

A young girl in her 20s was born in a Muslim family but was far away from deen and missed a lot of prayers and didn't wear hijab. She was from a good family and everything was working out for her. One day, she fell sick. On visiting the hospital, the doctor ran some tests and informed her that she had terminal cancer (may Allāh protect all of us) and had two months to live. She said, “Since I am going to die, what can I do?” She started praying and fasting and giving charity. She started wearing the hijab and praying more. SubḥānAllāh one, two, and three months passed and she started feeling better. She went to the same doctor. He ran the same tests and said, “Are you the same person? There is no trace of cancer whatsoever! Where did you go? What did you do? Who treated you?” She said, “When I started being obedient to Allāh, I started praying in the beginning and would put my hand on the cancer and make du'ā' to Allāh sincerely to cure me. I started fasting and would break my fast and ask Allāh to cure me. I started giving charity and wearing hijab. Then I tasted the sweetness of obedience and the pleasure of having khush'oo in ṣalāh. I changed my du'ā' and started then making du'ā' to Allāh to cure me so I can worship Him more and not so that I can go back to the mall. I was sorry I lived 20 years and didn't know what I was missing. I asked Allāh to allow me to live so I can live in this Jannah of this life.”

Friday 7 November 2014



There are certain pillars in the Prophet’s masjid ﷺ in Madinah which have a special significance. Alhamdulillah, the locations of these pillars have been preserved till today. Signs were placed to indicate the names of these pillars known as ‘Ustuwaanah’ in Arabic.

Many people who visit the Prophet’s masjid are oblivious to these pillars or are unaware of the history behind them so in this article, I will illustrate the location of each pillar and tell you the story behind them which took place during the time of the Prophet ﷺ. If you are fortunate enough to visit the Prophet’s ﷺ masjid, try to visit these locations. Mulla Ali Qaari writes:

“Those pillars of the Masjid, which are of special virtue and blessed should be visited by the visitor of Madinah. There he should keep himself busy with optional prayers and supplication.”

1. Ustuwaanah Hannaanah

This pillar is located behind the mihrab of the Prophet ﷺ on its right hand side and is the most blessed of the pillars for this was the Prophet’s ﷺ place of prayer. On this spot there once used to grow a date palm. The Prophet ﷺ used to lean on it while delivering the khutbah (sermon). When a minbar was made, the Prophet ﷺ began delivering his sermon from there. When this happened, the sound of crying was heard from the tree and it could be heard around the whole masjid. The Prophet then went to the tree, placed his hand on it and the crying stopped. He then said:

“The tree cries because the remembrance of Allah was near it, and now that the minbar is built it has been deprived of this remembrance in its immediate vicinity. If I did not place my hand on it, it would have cried till the Day of Judgement.” 

The pillar which has been placed in its place is called Ustuwanah Hannanah because the word ‘hannaanah’ is used to describe a crying camel.

2. Ustuwaanah A’ishah (May Allah be pleased with her)

This is also called the Ustuwaanah Muhajireen because the Muhajireen (emigrants from Makkah to Madinah) used to sit near this spot. The Prophet ﷺ used to offer his prayers at this place before he moved to the place at Ustuwaanah Hannanah. It is also called the Ustuwaanah Qur’ah. The reason for this is that A’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that the messenger of Allah ﷺ said:

“In this Masjid is one such spot that if people knew the true blessed nature thereof, they would flock towards it in such that to pray there they would cast lots (Qur’ah).”

People asked her to point out the exact spot which she refused to do. Later on, after Abdullah Ibn Zubair (may Allah be pleased with him) persisted, she pointed to this spot. It is called Ustuwaanah A’ishah because the Hadeeth is reported by her and the exact spot was shown by her.

3. Ustuwaanah Tawbah / Abu Lubabah

During the battle of Banu Quraydhah, after the enemies had been surrounded by the Muslims, the besieged tribe called on Abu Lubabah (may Allah be pleased with him) to tell them what the Muslims were planning to do with them. Abu Lubabah had previously had dealings with the Banu Quraydhah and after seeing their crying and wailing, he told them what the Muslims were planning to do.

He wasn’t suppose to reveal anything to the enemy and realising his mistake, he became grieved and proceeded to go to the Masjid. He came to a date tree and tied himself to it saying:

“As long as my repentance is not accepted by Allah, I shall not untie myself from here. And the Prophet ﷺ himself must undo my bonds.”

When the Prophet ﷺ heard this, he said:

“If he had come to me I would have begged forgiveness on his behalf. Now he had acted on his own initiative, so how can I untie him until such a time that his repentance has been accepted.”

For many days he remained tied there without food and water, except for prayers and when he had to answer the call of nature. Then one morning, after a few days, he received the good news that his repentance (tawbah) had been accepted. The companions conveyed the news to him and wanted to untie him but he refused, saying:

“As long as the Prophet ﷺ does not untie me with his blessed hands, I shall not allow anyone else to do so.”

When the Prophet ﷺ entered for Fajr prayers, he untied him. The pillar is called Ustuwaanah Tawbah (repentance) or Abu Lubabah as it was this very spot in which Abu Lubabah tied himself seeking repentance.

4. Ustuwaanah Sareer

‘Sareer’ means sleeping place. It is reported that the Prophet ﷺ used to make i‘tikaaf here (seclude himself in the Masjid) and used to sleep here while in i‘tikaaf. A platform of wood used to be put here for him to sleep on.

5. Ustuwaanah Hars / ‘Ali (may Allah be pleased with him).

‘Hars’ means to watch or protect. This used to be the place where some of the companions (may Allah be pleased with them) used to sit when keeping watch or acting as gatekeepers. ‘Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) used to be the one who would do this often due to which it is also known as Ustuwaanah Ali.

When the following verse was revealed, the Prophet ﷺ told his companions that he no longer needed people to keep watch as Allah had promised to protect him.

“..And Allah will protect you from the people..” Surah Al Ma’idah, Verse 67

6.  Ustuwaanah Wufood

‘Wufood’ means delegations, whenever a delegation arrived to meet the Prophet ﷺ on behalf of their tribes, they would be met at this place where he used to meet them, converse with them and teach them about Islam.

7. Ustuwaanah Tahajjud

It is reported that this was the spot where late at night a carpet was spread for the Prophet ﷺ to perform tahajjud prayer after the people had left. There used to be a niche at this place to indicate the Prophet’s ﷺ place of performing Tahajjud but it has now been hidden with a bookcase as you can see above.

These historical photos show what is hidden behind the bookcase:

8. Ustuwaanah Jibra’eel
This was the usual place where the angel Jibra’eel used to enter to visit the Prophet ﷺ. Today it cannot be seen as it lies inside the sacred room of the Prophet ﷺ.

These eight places are special but so is the entire Masjid and the city of Madinah. You cannot take a step except imagine that the Prophet ﷺ or his companions must have tread on that exact space many years ago. 

There are also pillars which indicate the boundary of the original masjid as it was at the time of the Prophet ﷺ. Written on the top of each pillar is ‘this is the Masjid of the Prophet ﷺ’

The orange circles indicate some of these pillars found in the masjid:

, hadith for childerns, .,

Hitting , Biting , Pushing , and shoving || How to handle your child's Aggressive Behavior

As a parent, it can be both frustrating and upsetting when dealing with a child who is exhibiting aggressive behaviors. Parents may feel that they cannot enroll their child in certain activities and/or groups because they fear that their child will be aggressive towards the other children. Also, some parents might even feel worried or embarrassed about receiving phone calls from daycare or school, reporting the aggressive behaviors that their child displayed.

Step 1: Addressing Your Child’s Behavior:

The first step to addressing your child’s aggressive behaviors is figuring out why your child is acting like this. A child can become aggressive for several different reasons.

Some children may exhibit aggressive behaviors because of:

  • Insufficient speech development
  • Lack of routine
  • Being in a stressful situation
  • Feeling over-stimulated
  • Seeking attention or a desired item
  • Trying to escape or avoid certain situations
  • Copying other children’s behaviors and actions
Once you have a better understanding on why your child is engaging in aggression, you will be better able to help your child identify more appropriate and non-aggressive ways to work through and solve their problems. Parents need to make sure to address aggressive behaviors and have their children learn and understand that aggressive behaviors are unacceptable and that there are more appropriate ways to express themselves.

Strategies to try when your child is being aggressive:

• Respond Immediately – After a child exhibits an aggressive behavior, make sure that you address the behavior right then and there. You do not want to let time pass to attend to the problem but rather catch the child in the act and give the appropriate consequence for his/her action. By immediately addressing the problem at hand, the child becomes aware that he/she did something wrong. For example, as soon as little Johnnie pulls his sister’s hair for the first time, it should be addressed and he should have to take a timeout. By taking a brief timeout, this can help the child calm down and help him/her connect his/her behavior with the consequence.
 Be Consistent – You want to make sure that you are very consistent on how you are addressing the child’s aggressive behaviors; be it at home or in the community. By keeping your response the same, your child will learn and expect what the consequence is for misbehaving. By remaining consistent when addressing aggressive behavior, the child will start to understand that if he/she acts out aggressively, he/she will need to fulfill the consequence for misbehaving.
• Implement Realistic Consequences – Make sure that the consequence the child needs to fulfill is realistic and acceptable for the inappropriate behavior he/she exhibited. If the child is pushing peers on the playground, have the child sit out and watch the peers play for a little. Explain to him/her that once he/she is able to play nicely and not push or hurt the other children then he/she can go back to playing with his/her friends.
 Review and Teach Alternatives – After your child calms down you should review what just happened. Try to talk about and figure out why he/she got so upset and reacted how he/she did. In addition, be sure to discuss how the child could have handled the situation more appropriately and what some better choices would have been for him/her to engage in.
 Stay Calm – While dealing with aggressive behaviors, remember to stay calm. You can address the problem of concern using a calm, natural tone. You do not need to get worked up and scream or yell. By yelling, slamming doors, or hitting, you are setting a bad example for your child. Being able to keep your cool and show him/her how you can handle an upsetting situation appropriately will help him/her to learn from your example.
 Physical Activities – Children love to run and play. Many kids are very energetic, and if they cannot release this energy they can become very aggressive and hard to manage. By providing time for your child to engage in physical activity and exercise it can help him/her stay more regulated and under control.
• Reward Appropriate Behavior  Be sure that you are providing praise for when your child is playing appropriately and demonstrating good behaviors. You do not want to always be focusing on the negative behaviors but need to provide positive feedback for when the child is appropriately interacting with others and solving problems.

How To Show Love To Your Childs ...

How to show love to yours child ?

1- Give plenty of compliments
2- touch gently
3- Use endearments ( Sweetie ) 
4- Smile together, Play together 
5- Agree and say YES frequently
6- Listen and respond with empathy 
7- Give treats , gifts , acts of kindness. 
8- Hold back criticism and anger
9- Set boundaries kindly and respectfully 

Tuesday 4 November 2014

The most beautiful thing in this world is

The most beautiful thing in the world is to see your parents smiling and knowing that you are the reason behind that smile .

What will happen to you when you pray FAJR ?

What will happen to you when you pray Fajr?

If you only knew the amazing things that would happen to you when you pray fajr, you would go to it crawling.
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) said, "If they knew the merits of Salat after nightfall (`Isha') and the morning (Fajr) Salat, they would come to them even if they had to crawl to do so.''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim]
To make it clearer to you, I am going to give you a simple example. Don’t you find that many people nowadays try to insure all their valuables (Like cars and houses) and some will even go to the extent of insuring their life!!!?
The prayer of Fajr is an inclusive insurance to your entire life. It protects you and compensates you for the whole day and the whole night too. It simply insures that you have a complete day free from all dangers. How?
Jundub ibn Abdullah reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “He who performs the dawn prayer (fajr) will be under the protection of Allah, so beware lest Allah questions you about what you owe him. For if Allah questions anyone of you and he falls short of fulfilling the duty which he owes him, then He will retaliate for him and throw him upon his face into the Hellfire.”
Source: Sahih Muslim 657
Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Muslim
So from the time you pray fajr until the following fajr you are under the protection of Allah.
That is not all….what else?
On the top of the daily insurance you will also receive a night insurance, which is even better than life insurance people run to buy. With fajr prayer you will increase your life by the third. So if you were to live 75 years you will live 100 years and if you were to live 100 years, you will live 130 years and so forth…How?
Isn’t sleeping a missing part of your life?
If you sleep 8 or 7 hours every day without neyya, that time is considered wasted in terms of your deeds. But if you pray fajr in congregation it is like you have been praying the whole night.
Uthman bin `Affan (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: I heard the Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) saying: "One who performs `Isha' prayer in congregation, is as if he has performed Salat for half of the night. And one who performs the Fajr prayer in congregation, is as if he has performed Salat the whole night.''

Imagine a whole night of prayers and worship can be achieved with two raka’as despite the fact that you were sleeping in bed!!! Doesn’t this make you so happy to pray fajr??
Any insurance you buy is going to be only in this dunia (this world) but the prayer of fajr is for the dunia and the hereafter.
Buraidah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) said, "Convey glad tidings to those who walk to the mosque in the darkness. For they will be given full light on the Day of Resurrection.''
[At-Tirmidhi and Abu Dawud].
It’s a shame to find people so keen to set up their alarm clocks to get up to go to work on time but if you were to walk to the masjid for fajr, you will find the streets so empty with only you and may be a person or two!!....Just an hour or two later, you will find the streets are so packed and crowded….what happened?....everybody is going to work and to school…..Do you want them to deduct from our pay!!?
I know the sisters might feel left out as they do not go to the masjid for fajr!?...
Well here is the good news, make sure you go to bed early with the neyya that you are sleeping to rest so you can wakeup for fajr and in shaa Allah your whole night will be counted as reward. So have a sincere intention.
The Messenger of Allah, sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam, said:
"Actions are (judged) by motives (niyyah), so each man will have what he intended
But don’t stay up all night and sleep at 2 AM and expect to wakeup for fajr…in this case of course you will not wake up and your neyya won’t be true.
Another thing you can do dear sister is to urge the men in your family to go to the masjid by sharing with them these rewards and by waking them up and in shaa Allah you will gain the same reward without decreasing any of their reward

Saturday 1 November 2014

A cute kid said his father to ...must WATCH and SHARE

CUTE BaBy Girl :)

What is Kids love ?

"If Falling in love is anything like learning how to spell. i don't want to to do with it . it takes too long ".